I have had a lot of people asking me on streams and/or Twitter/X about what sliders I am using, so I wanted to put something out there public facing. I would say these are still in a bit of a beta simply because of how close they are to default. I feel the game plays excellent out of the box, and most of my changes have been to penalty sliders and injuries. The game is starting to get a bit easier now, so expect some changes soon…
The comments section is open, so register an account with SSG and share your thoughts!
House Rules
Coming soon…
v1.03 (last edited 11-5-2024)
Quick Overview
Numbers in ( ) indicate + or – of most recent update
2KShare: MikeLowe47 Official
2kShare Scenario: Not yet
Superstar base with many sliders left at default
12 Minute Quarters
Shot Timing Profile: Low Risk-Reward
Aim to have User vs CPU or CPU vs CPU game stats match simmed games
This set was built from 2K’s default Superstar sliders in a MyNBA setting.
What I prefer is listed below, as I like to be more of a GM than a coach. This allows me to evaluate my actual coach based on his performance. If you prefer to control more, adjust as you see fit.
Many of the sliders are at default as the game plays well and doesn’t need a massive overhaul. The changes I’ve made, however, are crucial, in my opinion.
* Quarter Length 12 Minutes
* Simulated Quarter Length 12 Minutes
* Normalize Played to Sim Minutes Off
* Normalize Played to Sim Stats Off
Settings–>General–>Offseason Auto
* All set to off or whatever you want
* Protected Players 8
* All On
* Draft Class Quality 50 (or whatever you want)
* Injuries On
* Career-Ending Injury Frequency 50
* All set to 50
* All set to 50
Settings–>Team–>Team Feature Settings
* Set Prices User preference
* Set Budget User preference
* Relationships: Morale On
* Relationships – Can Be Fired On
* Relationships – Randomize Governor Personality Off
* Relationships – Staff Quit Off
Settings–>Team–>Team Automation Settings
* All set to off, but I let the AI handle lineup automation. These are really all user preference.
* Difficulty Custom
* Quarter Length 12 Minutes
* Fatigue On
* Game Speed 50
* Foul Out 6
* On Court Shot Clock User preference
* Camera Shake On
* Action Replays Occasionally
* Highlight Play Camera Cuts On
* After Basket Camera Cuts Often
* Arena Photo Strobe Flashes User preference
* Era Screen Effects On
* Ball Handler Text On
* Ball Handler – Ability Icon On
* Pick & Roll Overlay On
*2K Smart Play Overlay Off
* Comentary Language User preference
* Scene Subtitles User preference
* Motion Blur 50
* Short Press-and-Hold User preference
* Audio Presentation User preference
* Vibration Function On
* Trigger Effect On
* Shot Timing Profile Low Risk-Reward
* Layup Timing Profile Real Player %
* Free Throw Timing User Timing
* Shot Timing Visual Cue Release
* Shot Meter Input Type All
* Pro Stick Function Default
* Pro Stick Orientation Absolute
* Off-Ball Offense Mode Absolute
* Double Team Reaction Auto
* Help Defense button Function Double Team
* Call for Pick And Role Vs Fade Manual
* Player Icons On
* Skip Pass Enabled
* Icon Lead Passing On
* Pro Stick Pass Type Normal
* Icon Passing Pass Type Control
* Receiver Control Handoff/Pitch Pass
* Hold Lob Pass Button Skip Pass
* Passive Dribble Hand Stitches Enabled
* Pro Stick Defense Absolute
* Shading Indicator On
* Who To Guard On
* Boxout Assist Strength 50
* Pass Target Profile Default
* Pass Target Direction 44
* Pass Target Distance 50
* Pass Target Openness 6
Coach Settings
* Adaptive Coaching Engine Offense and Defense
* Timeout Auto
* Player Minutes Auto
* Substitution Auto
* Substitution Method ACE
* Offensive PlayVision All Plays
* PlayVision Display Light
* Playcalling Messages Show All
* Offense Playcalling Auto
* Defense Playcalling Auto
* Late Game Fouling Auto
* Team Communication Offense and Defense
* Freelance Series Order Static
* Freelance Series Repeat Repeat On Success
* Teammate Cut To Basket Auto
Tuning Sliders–>Trades–>Trades
* Trade Frequency 50 (day before and day of trade deadline set to 100)
* Rest left On our at default numbers
* I leave trade override and approval Off
Tuning Sliders–>Trades–>Progression
* Default for all
Tuning Sliders–>Trades–>Attributes Progression
* Default for all
Tuning Sliders–>Trades–>Contracts
* Default for all
Tuning Sliders–>User/CPU
* Inside Shot Success 55/55
* Close Shot Success 55/55
* Mid-Range Success 55/55
* 3PT Success 55/55
* Layup Success 55/55
* Shot Coverage Impact 50/50
* Shot Timing Impact 50/50
* Free Throw Window Size 50
* Dunk In Traffic Frequency 50/50
* Dunk In Traffic Success 50/50
* Pass Accuracy 40/40 (-10 for both)
* Alley-Oop Success 55/55
* Contact Shot Success 55/55
* Ball Security 40/40
* Body-Up Sensitivity 50/50
* Pass Speed 50/50
* Driving Contact Shot Frequency 55/55
* Inside Contact Shot Frequency 70/70
* Layup Defense Strength (Takeoff) 30/30
* Layup Defense Strength (Release) 40/40
* Jump Shot Defense Strength (Gather) 50/50
* Jump Shot Defense Strength (Release) 50/50
* Help Defense Strength 50/50
* Steal Success 50/50
* Agility 50/50
* Vertical 50/50
* Strength 50/50
* Stamina 50/50
* Speed 50/50
* Durability 50/50
* Hustle 50/50
* Ball Handling 40/40 (-5 for both)
* Hands 50/50
* Dunking Ability 50/50
* On-Ball Defense 50/50
* Stealing 50/50
* Blocking 50/50
* Offensive Awareness 50/50
* Defensive Awareness 50/50
* Offensive Rebounding 50/50
* Defensive Rebounding 50/50
* Offensive Consistency 50/50
* Defensive Consistency 50/50
* Fatigue Rate 50/50
* Lateral Quickness 50/50
* Take Inside Shots 50/50
* Take Close Shots 50/50
* Take Mid-Range 50/50
* Take 3PT Shots 50/50
* Post Shots 50/50
* Attack the Basket 50/50
* Look for Post Players 50/50
* Throw Alley-Oops 50/50
* Attempt Dunks 50/50
* Attempt Putbacks 50/50
* Play Passing Lanes 50/50
* Go for On-Ball Steals 50/50
* Contest Shots 50/50
* Backdoor Cuts 50/50
* Over the Back Foul Frequency 90/90 (+10 for both)
* Charging Foul Frequency 90/90 (+10 for both)
* Blocking Foul Frequency 90/90 (+10 for both)
* Reaching Foul Frequency 80/80 90/90 (+20 for both)
* Shooting Foul Frequency 85/85 (+5 for both)
* Loose Ball Foul Frequency 90/90 (+10 for both)
* Illegal Screen Frequency 90/90 (+10 for both)
* Speed (Max rating) 75/75
* Speed (Min rating) 35/35
* Acceleration (Max rating) 75/75
* Acceleration (Min rating) 35/35