In order to help our leagues grow and maximize their potential, the website is designed to be open to anyone who’d be interested in creating content. You can get yourself setup with an account that will let you create and publish content to the website.
The first thing you’ll need to do is create an SSG WordPress account. This is the account you’ll use to post content to the website. This account is different from your account on Discord.
To begin creating posts, you can either continue to read the instructions below, or check out this tutorial video from Mike Lowe.
Creating a Post
After you have an activated account, you will have the ability to write a post and submit it for review. A post is essentially any sort of content appearing on the main website. Posts can take on many forms, and we primarily use them to write news stories/editorials, deeper stats/analysis segments, and even media such as podcasts and videos.
- Once logged in on the website, head back to the website’s homepage. From there, you can create a post by click on the “+ New” button at the top of your browser’s window, and then clicking “Post.”
- You’ll want to assign your post to the appropriate league category (or game and format if you’re a contributing writer).
- Images must be uploaded and then inserted into the “featured image” area which can be found in the lower right-hand side of your post/draft. Other images can be placed directly into the article, but only the “featured image” will appear as the primary image for your post. Featured images are best as a larger landscape image so that they properly appear on the website’s homepage.
- Spend a moment and give your post a good proofreading before submitting for review. You can also save posts as drafts and come back to finish them later on.
- Once submitted, you should receive an email (we do too) letting you know it’s been submitted.