Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2021 Now Available

Wolverine Studios is proud to announce that Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2021 is now available worldwide from www.wolverinestudios.com and available as well on Steam.

There is no basketball game on the market that takes franchise mode as seriously as we do. The question is how do we make the best franchise mode even better? We dug down deep into the AI for this year’s version to make sure that the AI was even smarter when it comes to things like roster building decisions and most importantly trading.
New Trade Options and Improvements
We have completely overhauled trading in this year’s game not only to make the AI even more intelligent especially when it comes to valuing and trading draft picks but to make things more user friendly for you as well.

You can see that now when going to make a trade you are able to see more detail about the other team in the trade. You can view what stage of build process they are at and what their biggest needs are. Don’t want to wait for trades from the AI? Use the brand new option to immediately shop a chosen player to the AI controlled teams. We even have added an option in the free agency session to replicate sign and trades to bring the realism to an entire new level!
A Brand New Look

We’ve redesigned many of the areas of the game such as the player card above to make the information more vibrant, easier to read and better looking. You also see in that screenshot one of the many other new features we have added this year – player types.

Players in DDS:PB have always been created to be incredibly unique so that the job of building your roster was an exercise in putting together players that fit well as opposed to simply finding the highest rated players there are. Player types now help you to identify with badges players that fit a certain description such as a “bucket getter”. 

So Much More

That’s only the tip of the iceberg for what’s new this year. Here’s just a quick list of some of the other new items.

-Offseason start mode
-Universe mode allowing you control of multiple teams at once
-New and more realistic player and coach models
-New schedule and new schedule screen
-New draft pick monitoring screen
-Expanded lineup tracking features
-New milestone tracking feature
-Offseason injury options
-Free agency rumors to help make decisions with
-D-league select players that skip college and enter the draft after playing a year in the d-league
-Expanded coach and player personalities
-Expanded linked league option with Draft Day Sports: College Basketball to allow stats and player information from your DDS:CB league to be visible right in your DDS:PB league 

The Bottom Line

If you are looking for the best basketball management sim on the market you’ve found it. No game matches the franchise mode experience including the most interactive and amazing draft experience of ANY sports game. It’s time for you to take control of your favorite franchise and lead them to basketball glory. Get out there and #BuildYourDynasty with Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2021

A free, fully-playable demo is available along with screenshots and the game trailer at the official DDS:PB21 Homepage

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