Maximum Football’s largest content update is now available on the PS4 and Xbox One.
The update includes the major additions of Logo & Helmet Editor and The Spring League in Practice Mode. Thanks to the community’s feedback, we have been able to identify and improve a number of other areas as well. Full change list is below:
Major Feature Updates
- Full Logo Editor under Customize Menu (featuring 50 save slots, unlimited layers)
- Rebranded Practice Mode as “The Spring League”
- Added Helmet Logos under the Helmet Editor
- Added Night Games
- Fixed an issue where the team that kicked off the game would also kick off in the second half
- Player head tracking fixed when covering a kick
- Changed a bug where CPU would call a timeout consecutively
- Fixed an issue where DBs will sometimes spin 360 before following a receiver
- Players will no longer go offside after unpausing the game.
- No longer able to cycle through opponents players while on defense when possession was changed
- Pausing the game while the punter lines up will no longer cause them to hang in animation.
- Defenders will no longer ‘warp’ to a new position when being knocked in the backfield
- Players will no longer get stuck in a blocking stance after the play has ended
- General gameplay and physics enhancements were made as well
Rules & Stats
- College Rules not saving in Season mode has been fixed
- Stats have been rerecorded in the database and will properly record when the same team is playing each other
General Improvements
- General performance improvements
- Team logos added to midfield
- Increased screen resolution within the Customization menus
- Fixed an audio issue where the sound clip of the player running would randomly occur during a game
– Maximum Football Team
(Canuck Play Inc & Spear Interactive)