Roundtable: What Impact does the Holiday Season have on Your Gaming?
The holiday season is typically filled with family, food, and for some, additional time to dive into hobbies such as gaming. The SSG Community weighs in with their take on the impact the holiday season has on their gaming time and interests. Let us know what you think as well in the comment section below.
Mike Lowe
How does the holiday season impact your gaming and/or technology? It’s a straightforward question, but we may have some different angles. For instance, did you anything to your collection on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or during the holidays leading up to New Years? Do you anticipate having more time to get some gaming in with games you already own? Any gaming plans/purchases for yourself or others for the holidays this year?
Tom Moysak|Yankees
I’m always actively looking to get more open world games or games in general around the holidays. With me still being a student in college I get a month off after fall so it’s a lot of time for me to contemplate my grades and also play a ton of video games. When I’m not reconnecting with high school friends which I always do this time of year, and on a consistent basis, I’m playing video games. I usually stick to NHL, MLB, and COD but it usually gets to a point where I’m so bored in those three games that I actively look for good deals or new releases.
Having about a month off after a long semester is great but it can get to you after about two weeks being home with nothing to do, and video games helps with that. But I love to peruse the holiday deals and I’m probably going to pick up myself a copy of the Japanese baseball game (MLB the show for the NBP) off eBay and hope to play that soon.
Born2Run1963 (Kevin Oaks)
I’m still playing Read Dead Redemption II. May never need another game. 🙂
Dave Langen
I just started RDR II over the weekend.
Born2Run1963 (Kevin Oaks)
I’ve never even completed the story line. Still on Chapter 2, for that matter. Much more interesting for me doing all the other stuff.
Mike Lowe
I bought it the minute it released, and same–I’m maybe 15% of the way through it. I love it, but just haven’t been playing it. Life getting in the way!
Tom Moysak|Yankees
pre ordered it, finished it in 3 ish weeks, definitely looking to get back into it though. loved that game
Born2Run1963 (Kevin Oaks)
I spent 3 straight playing sessions trying to bag a perfect woodpecker specimen. The best place to hunt them that I found was amongst the grizzly bears. Hunting whilst being hunted.
I never go far without my trusty .50 cal springfield rifle anymore.
Also dropped a perfect moose from about 150 yards with a shot through the left eyeball.
Tom Moysak|Yankees
See i gotta get back into that, just running around experiencing the nature and hunting aspect of it.
I just can’t wait till we get ready player one levels of VR
Zach | Braves
For this year I am pretty content on my gaming wants. Obviously I had to leave SSG temporarily but other than OOTP, I play Rocket League and Escape from Tarkov (with family). I dont have a want or need for more games in my life currently.
As for playing, I play when I can. The holiday season brings more time in the home and with family so gaming is not a top priority.